07 May

Soft plastic is a common but recyclable waste. And plastic to oil conversion machine is the most welcomed way to recycle the soft plastic. Through the plastic to oil conversion machine processing, the soft plastic could be converted into fuel oil to get more value.

In daily life, PE, PP, PS, PVC, ect are all belong to soft plastic, the soft plastic is generally not easily broken, so they can be used for various purposes. So the waste soft plastic could be seen anywhere too. Then the recycling of these waste soft plastic has become a concern. And our plastic to oil conversion machine is mainly used for recycling the waste plastic.

The plastic to oil conversion machine could pyrolysis these plastic into oil gas, and after through our three steps cooling system, all the oil gas could be cooled down into fuel oil. And there is also carbon black produced. And as we all know because of the soft nature of the soft plastic, it’s easy to be sticky to the reactor when pyrolysis, so if your raw material is a little dirty, it will be better for processing these waste soft plastic. Because it will make it harder to stick to the machine during the process. So if your soft plastic is not clean, don’t need to worry about that. After the whole process, the dirty things will become ash contained in the carbon black.Then actually, if your soft plastic with water, our vacuum system will work on it. Open the vacuum system at the beginning, the water contained in the soft plastic could be evaporation. And it’s best to have 10% water content in the plastic. Then after pyrolysis and cooling, the soft plastic will be recycled into fuel oil.

The plastic to oil conversion machine is mainly consuming the heating fuel, so the power consumption is not high, and the tail gas produced from the process also could help to heat the reactor, so it will help save the heating fuel use too. And this project is hot these years because of its profitability, and the plastic to oil conversion machine is also environmental friendly, so if you have any interest, contact us at any time.

Related recommendation:
pyrolysis reactor       
how to recycle soft plastic
plastic to oil plant cost 
disadvantages of fuel from plastic waste

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Contact: Ms Bonnie
Phone: +86-371-5677 1821
Skype: bonniezhao2
Email: oilmachine@wastetireoil.com 

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