19 Apr

Waste plastic pyrolysis machine is a profitable business, it can convert waste plastic into fuel oil for heating purpose in industries.
Waste plastic which knew as “White pollution” includes packaging bags, plastic molds, disposable tableware, plastic bottles and other plastic products, it is discarded into solid waste after use. Due to their extensive use and difficulty to be degraded and treated, it causes pollution to the ecological environment and landscape.

In recent years, many waste plastics processing companies will simply landfill the waste plastics. While this not only cannot obtain the income, will cause the secondary pollution to the land. In this way, the waste plastic pyrolysis machine profit is not good.
Considering about this, we propose the solution of plastic recycling by pyrolysis.
By waste plastic pyrolysis machine, waste plastic will be converted into fuel oil and carbon black.
In this way, the waste plastic pyrolysis machine profit is high, clients can sell fuel oil to boiler factories, and sell carbon black to cement factories.
Take Chinese market as example. The price of fuel oil is 3200 RMB per ton, and 400 RMB per ton for carbon black. Usually for mixed waste plastic, it can get 30%-60% fuel oil and 40% - 70% carbon black from plastic.

Besides the above profit, in some market, in order to incentivize waste recovery companies to deal with plastics, the government will subsidize the companies by ton when they process waste plastic.
So in general, the waste plastic pyrolysis machine profit is considerable.

Related recommendation:
plastic pyrolysis reactor design       
what kind of plastic is recyclable
pp plastic recycling 

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Contact: Ms Bonnie
Phone: +86-371-5677 1821
Skype: bonniezhao2
Email: oilmachine@wastetireoil.com 

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