14 Aug

From August 2nd to 5th, 2018, DOING organized all employees to enjoy the tour of Shandong Rizhao. As a traditional welfare of the company's employees, DOING has a tour at the middle and end of the year. The locations for travel in the middle of the year are chosen in Rizhao, Shandong, a beautiful coastal town.

At noon on August 3, we went for a seafood lunch first. After eating and drinking, we went to Rizhao's famous scenic spot lighthouse. There are shallow seas and reefs, very good for taking pictures. Our company has many beautiful girls, and they were all happily posing for pictures. After that, we went to the sandbeach, barefooted on the soft sand and pick up the shells, crabs. My colleagues have gained a lot.

On August 4th, we went to natural bathing beach and wore bathing suits to swim freely in the rolling of the waves, feeling the vastness of the sea. Then we went to the sailing base and watched the giant ship that sailed and sailedslowly disappear into the endless sea. The feeling was amazing.

These days of travel not only eased the pressure of the employees' intense work, but also deepened the friendship between them during the relaxation and pleasure, enhanced communication and communication in the natural beauty, and fully relaxed and adjusted the body and mind, achieving the purpose of enhanced team cohesion.

Main products:

Waste tyre pyrolysis machine   

Automatic pyrolysis plant   

Continuous waste plastic pyrolysis plant   

Waste engine oil recycling to diesel machine    

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Contact: Ms Bonnie
Phone: +86-371-5677 1821
Skype: bonniezhao2
Email: market@doingmachinery.com         

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